<% IF request.querystring("step") = "2" THEN adoCon.Open cstring str_Username = Request.Form ("username") str_Password = Request.Form ("password") strSQL = "SELECT code " & _ "FROM tbl_Authors WHERE name = '" & str_Username & "' AND Password = '" & str_Password & "'" 'Create a new recordsheet Set rs_login = Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.RecordSet") 'Open the record sheet and execute SQL rs_login.open strSQL,adoCon 'If the username and password combination does not exist then redirect the user If rs_login.EOF _ Or rs_login.BOF Then Response.Redirect "badlogin.asp" Else 'Write the user code to the cookie Response.Cookies("Login")("userCode") = rs_login("code") 'Redirect to main page Response.redirect("main.asp") End If End if %> www.bcadsoft.com


Main Interfaces
Interface of Test Load Data
Interface of Observation Points Data
Interface of Test Efficiency Calculation
Interface of Results Scanning

With the rush of highway bridges, the demand for bridge test increased evidently. On the base of GQJS and JFDJ, we have developed QLJC, a new system special for bridge test analysis.

   The main functions of QLJC list as follows.
    1. Read the data file of GQJS and erect spatial model with essential spatial data;
    2. Record project of bridge test and output project drawing;
    3. Record the position of observation points and observe the distribution of all of observation points;
    4. Calculate the test efficiency of every analysis and adjust data according to analysis results in order to ensure the best test project;
    5. Calculate the displacement, stress, strain of observation points and compare it with the actual value;
    6. Watch the distortion diagram of every performance with random scale and view angle;
    7. Calculate natural frequency of the structure and the modal displacement ;
    8. Watch the  modal distortion diagram with random scale and view angle;
   9. Output the *.DXF file of discrete model diagram, test load diagram and test efficiency diagram which can be edited and printed by AutoCAD software.

QLJC inherits the interface style and data format of GQJS so that users of GQJS can use this system easily. QLJC adopts the kernel of JFDJ. It can deal with space structure as so as plane structure and the results are up to facture better. The characteristics of QLJC are special for bridge test analysis, powerful function and easy to use. It can increase work efficiency and veracity. QLJC has value of popularize and prospect of appliance. Now, this system is still in test. According to users' feedback information, we will work hard to perfect it and make it become a wonderful helper to bridge test engineer.

E-mail:[email protected][email protected]
ADD:8Xi Tu Cheng Road Beijing China;Post Code:100088