<% IF request.querystring("step") = "2" THEN adoCon.Open cstring str_Username = Request.Form ("username") str_Password = Request.Form ("password") strSQL = "SELECT code " & _ "FROM tbl_Authors WHERE name = '" & str_Username & "' AND Password = '" & str_Password & "'" 'Create a new recordsheet Set rs_login = Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.RecordSet") 'Open the record sheet and execute SQL rs_login.open strSQL,adoCon 'If the username and password combination does not exist then redirect the user If rs_login.EOF _ Or rs_login.BOF Then Response.Redirect "badlogin.asp" Else 'Write the user code to the cookie Response.Cookies("Login")("userCode") = rs_login("code") 'Redirect to main page Response.redirect("main.asp") End If End if %> www.bcadsoft.com



For many years, , has developed a series of bridge CAD software production in windows 9X / NT environment with high technical strength of software development and bridge engineering.

These products have been highly appreciated by many professionals and users since go-to-market. According to the suggestion feedback from our customers, we will improve our software and continuously strengthen its function to satisfy the users' practical needs, by adhering to our commitment of top-grade technical supporting, first-class software products, and high quality service. In order to help our customers understand the details of the software products, we have aggregated users' handbooks, help online, multimedia teaching demonstration program and all of installing program into one piece of CD. Some examples and photos of bridge projects are also in it. You are welcome to inquire us by telephone and choose the Bridge CAD software of new version!


Connection Mode:
Address :  No.8 Xitucheng Road Beijing China
Postcode: 100088
Link men:  Jianming Lu, Yunhai Chen
x:  8610-62361969 / 82012341
master@bcadsoft.com/ lujianming@263.net
Home page of Bridge CAD:  http://www.bcadsoft.com
Home page of Research Institute of Highways: 

ADD:8Xi Tu Cheng Road Beijing China;Post Code:100088