<% IF request.querystring("step") = "2" THEN adoCon.Open cstring str_Username = Request.Form ("username") str_Password = Request.Form ("password") strSQL = "SELECT code " & _ "FROM tbl_Authors WHERE name = '" & str_Username & "' AND Password = '" & str_Password & "'" 'Create a new recordsheet Set rs_login = Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.RecordSet") 'Open the record sheet and execute SQL rs_login.open strSQL,adoCon 'If the username and password combination does not exist then redirect the user If rs_login.EOF _ Or rs_login.BOF Then Response.Redirect "badlogin.asp" Else 'Write the user code to the cookie Response.Cookies("Login")("userCode") = rs_login("code") 'Redirect to main page Response.redirect("main.asp") End If End if %> www.bcadsoft.com


Other Interfaces and Illustration (BSDS)

Data Check-up: You can use this button to activate data check-up module in order to check up the data after calling other dialog boxes to input or modify data.

Structural Calculation: You can use this button to activate structure calculation  in order for  analysis after calling other dialog box to input or modify data. The result of calculation would  be saved in the file named GQJSL.OUT.

Results Browse: You can use this button to activate result browsing module in order to view the result of calculation after analysis.

Table of precamber: You can use this button to activate the precamber table of every phases after analysis. This module can call EXCEL in OFFICE to produce table automatically. You could print this table and save as another TXT file in order to check in the future.

Results reading: You can use this button to activate Write of windows in order to view the content of GQJSL.OUT after analysis. If you want to reserve the result of calculation for a long time, you could save as a new name in Write for fear that you might lost it in the course of calculation another subject.

Back to File Browse: You can choose another file to modify or calculate after going back to the frame of file information.

Help: You can click the mouse's left button or F1 to ask for help on line.

Return: Return of the system.

Interface of Help on Line
Interface of Calculation Module
The Precamber Table of Text Format
The Precamber Table of EXCEL Format


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