<% IF request.querystring("step") = "2" THEN adoCon.Open cstring str_Username = Request.Form ("username") str_Password = Request.Form ("password") strSQL = "SELECT code " & _ "FROM tbl_Authors WHERE name = '" & str_Username & "' AND Password = '" & str_Password & "'" 'Create a new recordsheet Set rs_login = Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.RecordSet") 'Open the record sheet and execute SQL rs_login.open strSQL,adoCon 'If the username and password combination does not exist then redirect the user If rs_login.EOF _ Or rs_login.BOF Then Response.Redirect "badlogin.asp" Else 'Write the user code to the cookie Response.Cookies("Login")("userCode") = rs_login("code") 'Redirect to main page Response.redirect("main.asp") End If End if %> www.bcadsoft.com


Content and Result of Calculation (SBCC)

tart of Calculation

Course of Calculation
Outcome of Calculation
Influence Line of Stiffening Girder Displacement
Structure Coordinate of One Stage
Suspender Axis force and Stress of One Stage

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